CPD | Multiple topic CPD training


A continuing professional development organized by Kind Solution and consultancy PLC.

  • Training Topics
      • Healthcare Quality Improvement orĀ 
      • Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) or
      • Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmittable Infections (STIs) or
      • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Recommended for: All health professionalsĀ 
  • Starting date: Friday, June 07, 2024 (įŒįŠ•į‰¦į‰µ 30į¤ 2016)
  • Training Venue: Kind Solution and consultancy PLC.
  • CEU Credits: 15 CEU Points
  • Phone number: 0964088888, 0974012201, 097401330. Call these numbers to register for the training.
  • For more information: Visit:Ā  https://t.me/KindsolutionCPD, https://t.me/kindsolutionĀ 

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